The rulers of Nigeria are shameless. Their genetic makeup is somehow shorn of the tiniest smidgeon of self respect. They have no respect for themselves, and are therefore incapable of having any for the people that they purport to rule. That the entire ruling class is peopled by moral degenerates, common crooks, myopic thieves, liars, base men, is beyond argument. That the state of the country should make all the persons that have ruled the Nigerian state ashamed, would be stating the obvious, but the one thing that has become a scarce commodity in the Nigerian state, is a sense of shame.
Our rulers are unambitious. They have huge appetites for consumption to be sure, but they are untouched by the capacity to envision the future of Nigeria. When they look at the country they have been blessed to rule, their only preoccupation is how to loot enough from the people, to go and buy their homes in any other country in the world. They started with our colonial masters, and the difficulty would be to find a single one of our rulers, without a home or palace in the UK. Then America came into the picture, and now it’s Dubai and the gulf states. They have now colonized part of Accra Ghana.
When they pretended to build what they had seen on their peregrinations, it is always as a calculated effort to loot. Sorry, acquire assets. Ala Mallami. Rocha’s statues comes to mind, and the presidential bus terminals of Lagos are available to the curious. The Nigerian state is a major crime scene.