Racism 101: The Brown Race…

We are the only ones that have refused to identify what our interests are, where we would like to go, how we are to get there

We are not black. We are different shades of brown 

There are no white peoples either. The human color does not adhere to shades of the rainbow. 

God is not white, and His color, if he has any, must be reflective of all of His creations. And no: satan is neither black, nor brown. God looks exactly like you. 

The “African” is the only race without a history of trading other races as slaves. But we are the ones that have been bought and sold as chattels, throughout the ages. 

We are the only ones that have refused to identify what our interests are, where we would like to go, how we are to get there, and have without a clear idea of our destination, drifted as flotsam without purpose. 

Yes, Hitler was evil, wicked, and genocidal against the Jews. But humanity, in its entirety, bar few exceptions, have been most wicked, inhuman, and evil, in the way that it has consigned my race, to a lifetime of systemic, and perpetual servitude. 

The African was never religious, we were always a spiritual people. We worshipped God in ALL of His majestic creations. We never worshipped the objects in themselves, we worshipped the Creator of ALL, seen and unseen. 

First they came to trade. The Mohammedans came through the Sahara. For 300+ years, the Basra salt mine, was carried on the back of the African slaves. To convert the slaves, was to lose the cargo, haram it’d have been, to enslave a convert to Islam. 

Then came the Portuguese with their vessels to the southern shores, and in their wake came the British and French. Umbrellas for men, gin, and guns. Just behind them, missionaries and Bibles. Esu laa’lu ogiri oko soon became the Christian satan. 

The African has no choice but to be racist. He is not racist because he hates anyone. But to survive the racism that has defined and denied his very humanity, he must know the truth. 

Love all of God’s creations my beautiful brown brothers and sisters: but never forget who you are, and where you’re coming from. Even as you might be confused about where you are going. 

The African is not the racist: he is the perennial victim of the racist. 


First published 22 January 2020.

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