This is where I shall live and die, and I refuse to live on my knees, or to accept the inevitability of our current circumstances, and the reality of an abominable future for my children…
I do not have a Plan B. I have ABSOLUTELY nowhere to flee to. Yes, I have a British visa, the 10 year one, and it’s validity extends beyond 2023, but I do not have any bank accounts, and or property in the UK, and I have no desire whatsoever to tolerate the cold winds of the British isles beyond 10 days at any point in time. I am ALL IN.
Everything that I have of value, human and material, are tied to the land of my birth and ancestry, and I have no desire to live anywhere else in the world. I REFUSE TO FLEE, and I have raised my children to see nowhere else as their home. This is where I shall live and die, and I refuse to live on my knees, or to accept the inevitability of our current circumstances, and the reality of an abominable future for my children, if our current trajectories are not URGENTLY ALTERED.
I shall be starting a 4 part lecture series themed “Nigeria: The Path To Freedom” on Sunday the 30th of January, and I intend to close the series with an interactive session. I urge you to join me as I set out my thoughts on the path to Nigerian freedom.
The banners and links will be published later tonight, and I am shameless in asking that you please help with passing on this message by sharing. Things happen to VICTIMS. The Nigerian state, its evil rulers, and the governance systems have conspired to weaponize ignorance, and I believe that diagnosis is critical to effective treatment of any disease. I have no modesty in blowing my own trumpet and crowing that I am blessed with the pains of being about to DISCERN our country and its evil rulers. But this is the time to move beyond diagnosis to TREATMENT.
Thank you 🙏🏿