In the country of the blind, the one eyed man is king. The one eyed man has built a kingdom of fools lasting 20 years, and the kingdom he built has profited from the pains, misery, impoverishment, political enslavement, and ruination of the Yoruba people and nation.
Nipa ise won
La o fi mo won🎵
Nipa iwa won
La o da won le’jo🎵
By their works, they shall be defined, and by their character they shall be adjudged. The Yorubas are a very interesting lot, in the very best tradition of the Yoruba people, we match every Solomonic wise saying with the fecundity and profoundness of our proverbs, aphorisms, and witticisms. The Yoruba places a very high stock on personal integrity, and the place of evidence in the evaluation of all human phenomena.
Seyi Makinde is unknown at the national level. I have heard his name before now, he seemed to have been running for the governorship of Oyo State like forever. I am certain that he was involved in at least the last two or three gubernatorial elections, before the one that he has now won, the one that would appear to have set him apart, and marked him for greatness. If he would.
The Nigerian government at ALL levels and in ALL of its manifestations, is a most evil, unjust, and exceedingly lawless and criminal enterprise. It is structured to be so. Seyi Makinde has emerged through this same system, and Seyi Makinde is doing my head in. Something just doesn’t add up.
The man emerged through a tortuous route. He moved like a herdsman from one party to the other, and ended up becoming the flag bearer of the poster boys for bad governance, PDP. He won an election in the Southwest in spite of what most would concede were impossible odds. However he did it, he won. He swam through the sewer, but he would have us believe that he is unstained.
He declared his assets and made the declaration public. The man, my age mate, is a multi billionaire many times over. He had never held any public office. He has sought to domesticate the EFCC act, and sent the bill to the state’s house of Assembly. The man is making sense. But his very presence in the office he is occupying, does not make sense.
There were two key components of Awolowo’s programs in the West upon his ascension to power: he promoted education rabidly, and he promoted agriculture with a vengeance. Makinde is looking at the old man’s blueprint. The early moves he has made in these two sectors, should have immediate impact on the welfare of the common citizens of the state. His moves in the agricultural sector, particularly the credit scheme for the farmers intrigues me.
Makinde has achieved NOTHING of substance, and only time will tell, if we have heralded hosannas prematurely. But of one thing, we are certain, His Excellency, Governor Seyi Makinde, has started well, and he has started differently.
I remember coming to Lagos from Abuja, and by “night bus” to vote for the disaster that stalks the land today: hopeful, optimistic, and dead certain that the future was safe. I came to cast my singular vote, and I remember telling my brother and friend, “Papa”, the late Prince Ademola Adeniji-Adele, in whose home I slept, and whose food warmed my hungry belly that very morning, that there was no way that I’d ever leave Tinubu to vote for the Sarumi ticket, on which he was the Deputy gubernatorial candidate.
Tinubu has lowered the progressive bar to the point where it has disappeared into the muck, and the Southwest that was the bastion of progressive politics and leadership, have become extremely feudalistic in its politics, governance policies, and political leadership. I expect the lickspittles, the congenitally stupid, and the brain dead to argue otherwise, and I am happy to debate the ones that comes armed with their brains, there’s nothing I enjoy more than robust debates.
it is against this vaporized bar of progressive politics and leadership that Seyi Makinde is being measured in these early days, and we are clapping for him in order to challenge him to keep traveling on the high ground that he has staked out for himself. Nigeria is a land of giants that is being ruled by dwarfs, a pride of lions led by baboons. We are hobbled because we have not been challenged to be better by the people that have foisted themselves on us.
In the country of the blind, the one eyed man is king. The one eyed man has built a kingdom of fools lasting 20 years, and the kingdom he built has profited from the pains, misery, impoverishment, political enslavement, and ruination of the Yoruba people and nation. Ogbeni threatened to be different, but isn’t. My people in Osun will never know what the dancer might have achieved, perhaps they’d be hosting the World Disco Championship now. Time will tell if Dapo Abiodun has a master plan different from the Bourdilon template, and the Awo cap in Ekiti does not crown an altruistic brain. Seyi has started well, and we are watching, hoping, and praying, that he is not a flash in the pan, or just another one eyed jugunnu.
Published 7 September, 2019.

Tinubu has lowered the progressive bar to the point where it has disappeared into the muck, and the Southwest that was the bastion of progressive politics and leadership, have become extremely feudalistic in its politics, governance policies, and political leadership. I expect the lickspittles, the congenitally stupid, and the brain dead to argue otherwise, and I am happy to debate the ones that comes armed with their brains, there’s nothing I enjoy more than robust debates.
Thanks for this DF, it is my utmost prayers that the SW will hopefully get things right in our choice of men occupying our govt houses. Please let’s keep holding them accountable for our collective sanity and prosperity.