Class Hara-Kiri…

This class, the same one that in other climes, act as the engine room for growth, has been locked into an existential struggle for survival, that has robbed it of the capacity for generational thinking……. and planning.

The children of today’s lower and subsistence class, are better equipped to survive the streets that the children of today’s middle class, will walk in the future that Nigeria is building on the back of the idiocy of the very class, that will pay the price. …

The Nigerian middle class is insular and has learnt to become its own government in the face of monumental governmental irresponsibility, and as a defense to the collapse of social infrastructure. He pays for all the services for which he has already been taxed.

His children and wards attends private schools, he doesn’t know what the insides of a government hospital resembles, and neither does his loved ones. He generates his own electricity most of the time, at work and at home, and his water does not come from the government mains.

But this class, the same one that in other climes, act as the engine room for growth, and the Incubators of ideas, has been locked into an existential struggle for survival, that has robbed it of the capacity for generational thinking……. and planning.


First published 30 January, 2017.

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